cow standing on grass field


Welcome to the new and exciting world of! Some of you may remember us as, but those days are DEAD. GONE. GET ‘EM THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.

Why the name change? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe my family is being held hostage by some kinda beef guy. Maybe I worship a hideous beef god and have become a slave to his beefy will. Or maybe I’m just horny! Horny for beef! Ooooh, it’s like some kinda spooky mystery!

But don’t worry, promises to keep up the occasional effort and mild enthusiasm we’ve come to be known for.

And if you’re new to our website, you might want to check out our stuff:

Read the bizarre life stories of our resident gas bag, Harvey Cracker!

Do you like shitty comic strips? Check these out!

Do you want more shitty blogs like this? Fuck you! Click here!

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